Archived Site/Social Network Updates
January 12th
Podcast: Special 2015 #1 we interview Mona Marshal, the voice actress from the original 1980's Rainbow Brite show!
January 13th
- Official Rainbow Brite News: The official Facebook announces the winner from the December photo contest!
January 16
- Official Rainbow Brite News: Watch the official Rainbow Brite Feeln Episode Cloudy with a Chance of Gloom for FREE on this weekend!
January 30th
- Official Rainbow Brite News: Go to the official Rainbow Brite Facebook page and see which Rainbow Brite Character you are most like!
February 4th
- Official Rainbow Brite News: Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer is now streaming on! Get a subscription and watch both the original Rainbow Brite and the new on
March 18th
Podcast: Episode #12: Our second anniversary episode
April 20th
Podcast: Episode 13: We review all the new Rainbow Brite Merchandise coming soon!
June 4
- Official Rainbow Brite News: Kit Neale is designing new female fashions featuring Rainbow Brite! Fashions are being sold at Colette
June 5
- Official Rainbow Brite News: Rainbow Brite Itty Bittys to be sold at Hallmark soon. Limited Edition set sold online only! Wow!
- Facebook: The Official Rainbow Brite page is sharing heaps of archived photos from the history or Rainbow Brite!
June 10
- Podcast: Episode 14: More Merch Madness!
June 20
- Official Rainbow Brite News: The first official Itty Bitty Commercials is online and it's so cute!
July 11
- Official Rainbow Brite News: The new Rainbow Brite Ornament is released at Hallmark Stores. The ornament is the same design as the one released in 2013
July 20
- Podcast: Episode 15: we review the new Rainbow Brite Itty Bittys and give away a set to a Brite Cast Listener!
July 21
- Official Rainbow Brite News: The new official Rainbow is released with news about the color kids, coloring pages, and more!
August 2
- Vlog: Rainbow Land Report: This episode I review the Rainbow Brite Limited Edition Itty Bittys
August 3
- Vlog: Rainbow Land Report: This Episode i Review the 80's Mattel Rainbow Brite Dolls
August 10
- Official Rainbow Brite news: The Rainbow Brite Itty Bittys are now in stores!
August 11
- Official Rainbow Brite News: Another Rainbow Brite Itty Bitty Commercial and it keeps getting cuter!
August 13
- Vlog: Speed of Brite: We speed color a picture of the Feeln Rainbow Brite.
August 21
- Official Rainbow Brite News: Truffle is getting all new Rainbow Brite Merchandise and releasing it excursively in Britain
August 27
- Podcast: Episode 16: Super Merch Sparkle Explosion: we review more Rainbow Brite Merchandise
September 11
- Official Rainbow Brite News: The final designs of Rainbow Brite, Starlite and Twink plush are being released soon and have been posted online. aren't they sweet!
September 21
- Official Rainbow Brite News: the new Starlite plush toy is coming soon! Isn't he adorable!
September 29
- Vlog: Rainbow Land Report: Tour of Truffle's merchandise online!
- Official Rainbow Brite News: a Limited Edition Rainbow Brite tee available online!
October 2
- Podcast: Episode 17: The search for more merchandise continues!
- Merchindise News: Truffle Shuffle is doing a give away to British Rainbow Brite fans where you can get Itty Bittys and Truffle Shuffle Merchandise!
October 3
- Merchandise Review: Joey Angel reviews the Truffle Shuffle Merchandise, the jumper, necklace and mug!
- Feeln Characters: Added the Feeln Character bios to the site and Wiki
November 2
- Podcast: Episode 18: Halloween Fun!
November 15
- Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer: The 30th anniversary of the Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer movie we recreated some of the comic pages using screen shots from the movie.