Ebony Rose is another original design inspired by a black gauze fabric I found one day with glitter purple roses emblazoned on it. She features chenille yarn for hair, which is the most difficult pain in the butt yarn I have ever found to use for doll making. Half of the time it ripped as I was threading it through the head, adding to the cost and time it took to design the doll. Ebony features a two-piece cocktail dress, maroon stockings, and little removable slipper shoes.

~ Baby Doll

Ebony Rose

Jenny is a custom created portrait doll created for a friend to give her daughter as a Christmas gift. The real, live Jenny is a music instructor in a small school, so I chose to highlight her love of conducting in the doll. Jenny features a velvet skirt with silver music notes on it, white mesh stockings, and a dress coat with long tails in the back. She's also carrying a tiny conductor's wand :). Jenny was made from a Shy Violet doll head and a Dress-up style body.

~ Baby Doll


Dawn and Twilight are two original designs I created. 

The challenge was to make two dolls that were like the Rainbow Brite color kids-meaning their outfits focused on only one color-and also remaining true to the slightly spacey, eighties tone of the dolls. 

Making things more complicated was the fact that I chose to do them in black and white monotones. 

Dawn is made from a Dress-Up Rainbow Brite doll. 
Twilight uses a Red Butler head and a Dress-Up RBB body. 
Both feature outfits that are completely removable.

~ Baby Doll

Dawn Doll Twilight  Doll

Goldie and Silvie! 

Metallic fabrics and yarns were the themes for these dolls. I don't really think the pictures do these two justice, because you can't see the way the light shines off of the glittery metallic strands in their hair! 

Both dolls feature crushed velvet outfits. 

Goldie has ostrich feathers in his cap, and Silvie has black ribbon rosettes in her hair, on her bodice, and on each of her shoes.

Check out the side view of Silvie to see how long her hair really is! If you could see them in person, I think you'd agree that these are my best work yet.

~ Baby Doll

Goldie Doll Silvie Doll Silvie Doll

In recent years "Baby Doll" ventured away from "Rainbow/Color Kids" characters and when to design Rainbow Brite as her favorite Comic Book Characters.

Here are some of her favorites

BatGirl / SuperGirl / Braniac / Comet / Wonder Girl


Bat Girl SuperGirl Brainiac Comet Super Girl and Brainiac Super Girl and Comet Wonder Girl Doll