NOTE: Tom-sprite does not make dolls to order, this is from his private collection and is his personal creation. It is not for sale.

Find out more about Tom-sprite here or visit our forums to see his current and other artists work. Please be aware you must sign up to view profiles or comment.

After taking a short break, Tom-sprite returned this week with 3new creations. "Orin ", "Nite Sprite" and "Blitzy". Made from 3 Tacobell mini Sprites.

As you all know, Orin  and Nite are from the 1980's program, and Blitzy is Tom-sprite's original idea for a sprite for Stormy.

Orin, Nite, and Blitzy Sprite by Tom-sprite

Custom Sprites

Custom Orin Sprite Custom Orin Sprite

Custom Nite Sprite Nite Sprite

Custom Blitzy Sprite